
Spotlight: Khye Tyson

We’d like to highlight emerging leaders who are former interns or fellows at Feminist and continue to empower and advocate within their communities. Whether it’s a magazine release, a blog feature, or a scholarly article, we want to recognize and celebrate these leaders for everything they continue to add to the world as reproductive justice advocates and activists.


Our first spotlight highlights the work of Khye Tyson, a 2018 Errin J. Vuley Fellow. We briefly interviewed them about what they’ve been up to in the activist world. Check out their responses below.


Can you briefly summarize your work?

“In the article, “Used in a relentless pursuit of the elusive middle class, side hustle culture is killing Black folx,” I examine “side hustle culture” and how it encourages us to neglect ourselves and indigenous practices. This, coupled with the current economic downturn, makes multiple streams of income a necessity, not just something to pursue for extra spending money. I also share ways to care for yourself when working multiple jobs.”


What inspired or led you to the topic of your article? 

“This article was inspired by a conversation with a friend in which we discussed capitalism and how it is the root cause of every oppression. I think I uttered the phrase “your side hustle is killing you!” and wrote it down because I wanted to expand on that thought internally. This is the result.”


Are you planning to write more on the topic or a related topic?

All my articles are based on subtopics within RJ, but I doubt I will write more about side hustles. I have other articles about enjoying sex and pleasure and growing up as a southern queer femme.


If you could get any feedback about your work, what would you ask a reader?

“How does this piece resonate with you? How do you feel after reading it?”



Read Khye’s full article here on blackyouthproject.com 




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Close-up of a clinic staff member in a Feminist Women’s Health Center t-shirt holding a patient’s hand.
Three models pose as patients in the waiting room
Clinic staff member smiles in a Feminist Women’s Health Center t-shirt.
Models sit on a black leather couch inside the clinic, the model on the right poses as if they are comforting the model on the left.

We put you, our patients, at the center of our care.

We remain committed to providing compassionate abortion care services to our patients.

What We Do

At Feminist Center, we provide a range of healthcare services and we are committed to making our services safe and welcoming to the LGBTQIA+ community. Through community education, grassroots organizing, and advocacy programs we work to advance reproductive health, rights, and justice.

Georgia's 6-Week Abortion Ban In Effect

If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant and need an abortion, seek care immediately. We are still providing abortion care up to the legal limit. There are exceptions to the law. Please give us a call to know your options. Read what the 6-week ban means for you.