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Medication Abortion in Atlanta

If you are in need of a medication abortion in Atlanta, Feminist Women’s Health Center provides compassionate, nonjudgmental abortion care within the Atlanta area. Medication abortion (or non-surgical abortion) involves taking a combination of medications called Mifeprex and misoprostol. This option is available to clients who are in the first trimester of their pregnancy, up to 11 weeks (about 2 and a half months).

The medication abortion process requires two steps. You will take the first abortion pill – a pill called Mifeprex – under doctor supervision our Atlanta clinic. Mifeprex works by blocking progesterone, a naturally occurring hormone necessary for pregnancy to continue.

Six to 48 hours (about 2 days) later, at home, the patient will take another medication, misoprostol, a prostaglandin that causes uterine contractions and the pregnancy will be expelled. You will experience cramping and bleeding through this time.

Here is what to expect if you undergo a medication abortion in our Atlanta clinic:

  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight before the day of your procedure.
  • You will undergo an ultrasound exam to confirm the length of pregnancy.
  • We will perform routine blood tests before the procedure.
  • We strongly believe in every person’s right to choose the outcome of their pregnancy and support them in whatever decision they make. If you are undecided, we provide resources and counseling to support you through this time. We will not perform an abortion on a patient who has not made a decision of their own free will or who is not ready to make a decision. If a pregnant person is firm in their decision, then the counselor reviews informed consent, answers questions about the procedure, explores birth control options, if needed, and reviews after care instructions.
  • A follow-up visit will be required for some patients who have a medication abortion at our Atlanta clinic.
  • Many women feel strong menstrual-type cramping for about 4 to 24 hours after administration of the misoprostol. If so, we will give you a prescription to help relieve this pain. You will receive specific aftercare instructions at the end of your appointment. You can also read them here. In case of an emergency, please contact us at 404-728-7900 or 1-800-877-6013.

For information on prices, you can visit our pricing page. Final prices will be determined at the time of your visit and depending on your medical history and needs. Financial assistance is available.

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Close-up of a clinic staff member in a Feminist Women’s Health Center t-shirt holding a patient’s hand.
Three models pose as patients in the waiting room
Clinic staff member smiles in a Feminist Women’s Health Center t-shirt.
Models sit on a black leather couch inside the clinic, the model on the right poses as if they are comforting the model on the left.

We put you, our patients, at the center of our care.

We remain committed to providing compassionate abortion care services to our patients.

What We Do

At Feminist Center, we provide a range of healthcare services and we are committed to making our services safe and welcoming to the LGBTQIA+ community. Through community education, grassroots organizing, and advocacy programs we work to advance reproductive health, rights, and justice.

Georgia's 6-Week Abortion Ban In Effect

If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant and need an abortion, seek care immediately. We are still providing abortion care up to the legal limit. There are exceptions to the law. Please give us a call to know your options. Read what the 6-week ban means for you.